I was waiting for my wife to finish her work and found this canna lily in her workplace garden. Often noticed that canna lilies are sterile but this one had seedpods. Decided to take some shots while waiting for her.
Now, I have a good collection of seeds collected and no place and time to plant them. (sob..sob..)
Canna lilies are more successfully grown using rhizome instead of seeds, but its easier to use seeds when you don't want to uprooting them (in having the hassle with tough soil and deep roots)
Another thing is that the flower stalks tend to dry up and its all leaves and no flower factor. This happens after the blooming period is over. Some gardener just sliced off the whole plant and let the plant to put up new shoots of which it will come together with flowers.
I think this plant had overspend all the flowers and now giving out the seedpods to say its goodbyes. Notice the flower, its very immatured and unattractive.
This is the first I have seen the seed pods of the canna lily. I heard that plants will try to flower and form seeds to reproduce when their life if threatened.
Canna Lily is a beautiful plant. This one, on your picture, has great foliage. I wasn't very successful with cannas. Need to read more about them. Never thought about using seeds, used to buy rhizomes.
Lovely to actually see Canna lily seed pods. We miss this most of the time, being too fascinated by the flowers.... ~bangchik
Adventurous of you to harvest the seed pods and decide to plant them. Do keep us posted on their development!
Autumn Belle - I guess we are often surprised with so many new things with plants that we are familiar with, but I'm not so sure whether this plant is feeling threathened. (The gardener do take care of these plants)
Tatyana - I guess the foliage is massive due to the lack of sunlight - its been planted in a shady area.
Bangchik - One thing I like about these seeds is that they are very round and black like marbles.
Mary Delle - Thanks,I really lacking space and sunlight to get this plant going. Its more easier and the success rate is higher when using rhizome.
Don't keep the seed too long yeah. Just sow it and see what happens ok. I like canna lilies too and yes, we have to priorities what to grow in our garden :-)
Stephanie - thanks for the remainer, it encourages me to consider all those seeds which I had kept for years.. probably considering the idea of seed exchange - any takers?
Cannas are fun and easy to grow.
I started growing them when was given seeds years ago...nick,soak,sow and under lights here in zone 7a...then in the ground weeks later.
Most people dig them up in this area and store the rhizomes for the winter. Or buy rhizomes. I dig up NOTHING just start new ones when I want them. In my 'search blog' just type in canna and you should see the different ones I've grown.
Good Morning James in Batu Caves and thank you for your visit and kind words. So this is how is looks 'in floribus'. I planted 3 seeds in Feb. this year and I now have one plant, but so far no flowers. The leaves are very ornamental too so I'm not disappointed, wholud love to have some flowers and seed though.
Nice to meet you James and I love tropical garden and your blod is great. 'See you' soon again.
Greetings from Tyra in Vaxholm.
Patsi - Thanks for dropping by in my "garden"
You have a lovely collection of canna lilies.
Tyra - I guess we have to wait in anticipation to see those glorious flowers to bloom. Thanks for your lovely comment, would drop by time to time to peek your garden too.
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