Jasminum sambac commonly known as Grand Duke of Tuscany Jasmine especially this particular variety where it is famously known as Rose Jasmine. It is also known as Sambac Jasmine or Arabian Jasmine.
This tropical plant is native to Asia from surrounding regions of India to South East Asia and also found in other parts around the tropical regions where it had been cultivated and introduced as ornamental plant.
It has exactly all the characteristics of a common jasmine, only thing is the flower is grander and the fragrance stronger. Like most jasmine - this particular one is a nocturnal bloomer and the fragrance last till the next day however the blooms does get spend after few days withering away on the stem.
Unlike most common Jasmine plant where the flower is in one layered petaled, this one have multi-layered like a rose. In the beginning I thought that I was not the fan of jasmine (Didn't like the way the plant, too bushy and all leaves with few flowers)
I changed my mind when I saw this particular Jasmine, it look exactly like a Rose. I bought this plant about RM10. Didn't mind that as it was rare to get this type around. After sometime this jasmine got settled and gave few new shoots with buds.
I was keeping watch of the bud development as you can see here from a tiny shoot to full bloom flower.
Being a Tropical Plant native surrounding regions of the Southern Asia - this plant does require good strong indirect bright sunshine, It can tolerate growing in shaded area however it must receive at least 6 hours of sunshine. It does not do well in heavy shaded area and may not bloom in such conditions. Also the leaves may turn yellow and also become leggy. Another factor in the lack of sunlight may cause the plant to become stress and can attract pest to heavily attack on them.
Hence do give a thought if you're not having open garden area as this would not so well as indoor plant - even placing them as a balcony potted plant can be challenging if they receive inadequate light.
Considering one of the most basic thing about planting material - this one doesn't require anything special - just any balanced potting mix will do. They seem to do fine in a medium or big potted plant - however they will do great if they are planted directly into the garden soil as these will require just that to create those majestic cascading blooms.
However if limitation occurs where you can only grow in pot - then a good balanced potting mix with rich amount of organic material and equal part of well drained soil which will help from root rot.
Considering one of the most basic thing about planting material - this one doesn't require anything special - just any balanced potting mix will do. They seem to do fine in a medium or big potted plant - however they will do great if they are planted directly into the garden soil as these will require just that to create those majestic cascading blooms.
However if limitation occurs where you can only grow in pot - then a good balanced potting mix with rich amount of organic material and equal part of well drained soil which will help from root rot.
It may require a good adequate watering - both morning and evening based on the size of the plant.
You can grow it in a nice medium or large size pot, the plant will behave and grow based on the size of the pot. However I would recommend this to grow freely on ground if you want lushful beautiful rose like flowers.
Also this plant is a heavy feeder and do feed adequately during the flowering season.
It may require a good adequate watering - both morning and evening based on the size of the plant.
You can grow it in a nice medium or large size pot, the plant will behave and grow based on the size of the pot. However I would recommend this to grow freely on ground if you want lushful beautiful rose like flowers.
Also this plant is a heavy feeder and do feed adequately during the flowering season.
However take note that over-watering can cause them to bud-drop especially during the rainy season, hence a well balance fast draining medium to ensure no root rot occurs.
One of the most challenging part for this shrub is pruning. They do grow extremely fast and become very unruly if not proper care is not given - especially when it comes to growth factor, this plant focus more on branching more stem and over growth rather than blooms which can be one of the down-side coming from this ever blooming plant.
However with the right pruning method and keeping it trimmed and manageable size - this one can be such a beauty. As shown here - the appearance of the blooms can last at least for few months until the next pruning session is done to maintain the blooming cycle from interruption.
This consideration applies very accurately when the plant is matured and had grown for years - that is if it is not flowering in its full potential. Other factors involving lighting / watering / feeding is also essential and necessary.
One of the most challenging part for this shrub is pruning. They do grow extremely fast and become very unruly if not proper care is not given - especially when it comes to growth factor, this plant focus more on branching more stem and over growth rather than blooms which can be one of the down-side coming from this ever blooming plant.
However with the right pruning method and keeping it trimmed and manageable size - this one can be such a beauty. As shown here - the appearance of the blooms can last at least for few months until the next pruning session is done to maintain the blooming cycle from interruption.
This consideration applies very accurately when the plant is matured and had grown for years - that is if it is not flowering in its full potential. Other factors involving lighting / watering / feeding is also essential and necessary.
I had found this one seemed to be a hardy plant with strong resistant to pest attack in comparison to many other floral plant. However at times mealybugs are found around the flowerbud farmed by ants and occasionally sap sucking insects too are found at the bottom of the leaves.
Occasionally I had come across that if the plant is anyway stressed or lacking nutrients may face some damage on it's foliage but rarely fatal to the plant.
Keeping the plant - Pruned and Compact does make the plant focused on its blooming cycle and also able to take immediate action if any unruly pest attack where pruning is much easily handled rather than spraying pesticide all over the plant.
Also I had found that caterpillars seemed to love the young tender shoots and buds that can cause considerable damage to the flowers - do keep an eye on butterflies when they visit on the blooms - most likely they may be laying eggs on them.
Apart from this factor, other matters are very much similar with most tropical garden plants.
Propagation can be done but stem cutting, stripping off the bottom leaves and poking it into a deep pot with a rich potting soil. Keep it in shade until you notice a new leaves growth.
Another method is to put the cutting into perlite medium (soaked in water)
Propagation can be done but stem cutting, stripping off the bottom leaves and poking it into a deep pot with a rich potting soil. Keep it in shade until you notice a new leaves growth.
Another method is to put the cutting into perlite medium (soaked in water)
Once taken roots, it should be carefully transplanted into a good potting mix.
Another option is to look out for a sucker that appears from the root base.
Another option is to look out for a sucker that appears from the root base.
This happens if the plant is very established and has a huge root system.
Also I had noticed that this particular one can be very challenging to propagate if done wrongly - these are difficult to roots easily. Another alternative is seed propagation or marcotting - however it is too tedious that it would be much easier to just purchase the plant from a nursery that going through a lot trouble of trial and error in getting it right for the first time.
This particular type has deep cultural roots throughout many cultures and traditions spanning around the Asian and South Pacific Region. Often adorned as a fragrant flower and very much prized for the aromatic flowers used for worship and for ceremonial uses especially the common type - this one is considered rare and not cultivated widely.
Historically these span over ages, In India and surrounding regions these flowers are venerated as sacred flowers. Jasmine Garlands are often used for weddings and funerals.
Historically these span over ages, In India and surrounding regions these flowers are venerated as sacred flowers. Jasmine Garlands are often used for weddings and funerals.
The floral named Jasmine comes from the Persian root word "Yasmin" meaning "Gift from God". There are much historic values as well as spiritual, cultural and medicinal which varies from culture to culture and may be identified much intently if proper research and study is done.
Also the flowers are also used as Jasmine Tea, essential oils and also as perfume as well as incense,

Like most Fragrant Flowers and especially this particular Jasmine where it does give that more grander version of any common jasmine - I would recommend that if you can get your hands on these - do cultivate to experience the mesmerizing sensation of the captivating fragrance. It is truly enchanting.
Also, Do click on the link below for more information on
Other Types of Tropical Fragrant Flowers:
i love its fragrance...
Thanks Tara, I got another 2 more buds to enjoy (hehehe)
I bought this as a young plant for a month now. It does not seem to grow at all, no new shot and new leaves. I give it full sun and water when the soil is dry.
Any one know why it is not growing?
1) First try using organic fertiliser.
Watch for a week to see any development.
You will notice new shoots sprouting out if the fertiliser is effective.
- From the new shoots, there is a flower bud at the tips of the shoots.
2) If it still didn't give out any shoots after you applying fertiliser.
a) Trim and prune (the dry twigs, leggy branches)
b) It may help if you repot the plant using a better soil composition.
- I often change the soil of the plant after buying them as I note that its not suitable for the enviorment I'm staying.
Do let me know if this information helps.
Thanks for your advice. I shall try using the fertiliser and trim it but not sure what is the better soil composition.
The leaves on the old twigs are drying out despite my misting it. The green shoots are still not growing.
I did repot it in using standard plant soil after receiving it. It is sharing a big pot with the Maid of Orleans which is blooming very well. I guess the two plants have the same requirements.
Ok,one thing I was not clear - you mean both plants where sharing one pot and then you repotted them separately?
How long did ago did you repot them?
IF that is the case, then the plant may need to rejuvenate and that may take a month or so.
(as the fine roots may be damaged)
As long as you find them still green after repotting about 2 weeks - your plant had survived the intial 1st phase.
Now, its more of the plant to get accustom to the new enviorment & new potting. Give another 1 month and see. There should be some development.
This jasmine need sunlight to grow & bloom. Do let me know where is your climate (tropical, cold climate, etc) and your weather condition.
I just chanced upon ur site. Have been looking forward to growing this variety in Singapore. Do you know where I could buy this here (never seen it in the nurseries).
Thanks a lot.
hi Amita, Where is here are you refering from? Won't know where to get in Singapore.
Hi James,
Can you please tell me where I can buy this plant in KL( j.sambac) and also any nursery that stocks rare sweet smelling flowers like some of the more exotic jasmines like chinese jasmine, climbing lang lang , thanks
The best place to get most of the rare sweet fragrance plants are in Sg.Buloh nursery area. They are so many nurseries in a stretch that continues all the way to the hospital.
Hi James, went there, got some plants like honeysucker but no j.sambac
Sorry to note that, maybe if you are interested, I can pass you a cutting from my plant. You can try from there?
Do e-mail me if interested.
Hi James, That is very kind of you. I will keep trying, if I can't find, will e-mail you. Thanks again
Most welcome. Happy Hunting - do let me know if you manage to get it. By the way, it would be great if you can introduce yourself as I have few Anonymous commentors and wondering who is who.
ok. My name is Senthil- re j.sambac , is the flower the size of a small rose, what we call aduku mali?
Yes, its a size of a small rose and known as aduku malige - but there is two types.
One is double ring petal and a rose type.
This one is rose type.
ok thanks James,
I have same variety of plant like this, here in philippines we call it sampaguita! Ive been taking care of it for more than a year now! It is usually have 3-4 layer but my plant has a lot more layers now.
Michael Lastimoso, Tacurong, Philippines
Hello, can I grow GD in Maryland outdoor? or it has to be indoor any advices or details is greatly appreciated.
Im not sure how is Maryland. If you got a good sunshine, frost free then the plant does great in outdoor. It requires an ample of sunshine for it to flower - they don't flower in shaded/indoor area. Hope this helps.
hi i have been looking to buy the above plant (sambac-jasminum) grand duke of tuscany, but it is not available here in Toronto, Canada, can you please write back to me and tell me where I can find this plant. I would be much obliged. My email add is or
Im sorry Zahra, I have no clue about the sale of this plant in your region.
Hello, my name is Gina from Tennessee. I have had a Grand Duke of Tuscany for over a month now and it too isn't growing. I haven't even got a new leaf because they dry up. I mist it, but to no avail. I would really love it to have mine grow as yours did! You have a very beautiful plant! I love the pictures of it, just gorgeous! Could you please tell me what to do to help it grow? I can't wait to see it bloom! Thankyou.
Hi Gina,
First thing first - Identify why are they drying up. Either you have placed the plant is facing climate crisis or the plant is having water problems.
Are your plant indoor or outdoor - I guess its winter in your place right now?
Jasmine is a tropical plant - it really need good sunlight for it to thrive. It is not a shaded plant. They may survive in a shaded area but may not bloom.
Check the soil - whether its too soggy or extremely dry. Both condition may cause the leaves to fall.
Email me your plant picture & I may able to identify the problem that you might be facing.
Good luck.
Hi there, I am very pleased that I recently got a Jasmine Tuscany.
I have some observations and comments:
1) The plant gets canes at times.
2) I think there are some varieties within the J.T. itself: a) dark & light green leaves, b)leaf tip may or may not be pointed, c) not necessarily 3-leaves together.
3) It is definitely a slow grower.
4) Flowers don't stay long- turn yellow and then pink in a day or two.
5) Does it also grow with stem cuttings?
6) Does it flower all year round or during specific months/seasons?
7) There is a plant called 'Murraya exotica'(small white flowers) with similar smell..Any comments whether to get that as well? :-)
Hi Neel,
Thanks for dropping by & your comments.
1) The canes - the branches shoots out first and flowers at the tip. Once it finish flowers - new shoots my appear from the next node.
2) Not sure about the varieties - so far I had only come across one type in my region.
3) You can boost growth by pruning and feeding
4) Flowers can stay at least for 3 days in good condition. The bud formation might take longer (a week) Once full bloomed - it will deteriorate within few days.
In my case - the flower still remained but turned green and the petals fell off.
5) Yes
6)Flower all year around
7) I have murraya paniculata - M.exotica is quite rare and its really a hunt to get one in my place. Do check: Orange Jasmine on my label.
Make sure you have it in full sun. They don't grow much during the winter. I have mine in a large pot with perlite soil. Don't let it get too dry but don't give it wet feet either. It took more than a year for mine to really take off. At first all of the growth will happen underground (roots). Once they're established you'll get more plant. or
Great choice. Grand duke and pink jasmine are my two favorites.
I am looking for a vine that has the fragrance of gardenia and NOT the smell of Star Jasmine.
Does Grand Duke fit that?
When you say requires sun, is it ok that the base of the plant will mainly be in the shade (on the north side of a fence) but the vines will trellis onto an arbor and get sun that way?
Becky from California
Hi Becky,
Grand Duke is very much have a jasmine fragrance and not a vine or has a gardenia fragrance.
But its ok to place the base plant in a shade and trail it to get a full sun.
Grand Duke puts out spikes but they are no way a vine or a climber.
Hi James,
Thanks for your reply.
1)May I request you to please write a blog on Murraya exotica/paniculata.
If you know's also know as 'Kamini' and known to attract snakes in villages and farmlands..hence not most of people get it. My family didn't allow me to get it because of that reason.
2) My JT is growing..the canes look dry but I was surprised that they are giving out new green shoots..interesting!
3) There are conflicting views that JT has less fragrance as compared to other less-petaled and commonly known it true?
Thanks and regards,
Hi Neel,
Nice to hear from you again.
I had already written about Murraya paniculata.
Please click below for more details:
3) Personally I would say that it goes to the individual. You see in comparison - JT often gives out 2 - 3 blooms per plant, compared to the normal jasmine which gives out easily 10 - 15 flowers per session. And the blooms may be continuous.
So - overall the quantity can overtake that one singular flower but in comparison - if you would compare one JT and one Jasmine - you would find that JT can handle the extra mile.
Hi James,
I'm Jessica I have two questions about
Jasminum sambac Grand Duke Of Tuscan.
1) What is the best soil for it?
2) What kind of fertilize does it need?
Hi Jessica - thanks for dropping by.
1)A good soil mix - (similar to roses)
A soil that is have a good drainage if planted in a pot.
2)My recommendation is always organic type.
Sheep/goat manure.
Hope this helps.
Dear Sir,
Can you please let me know the address of the nursery/place where you bought this Grand Duke jasmine plant? Do you have the contact number of the nursery? If not, it would help if you could give me the directions with apparent landmarks reaching that place.
I would love to have them in a temple here in Ipoh, so would you help to furnish the said details.
May God bless you.
(Flowers enthusiast from Ipoh)
I got this plant over the years and I doubt the nursery sell the same plant. In most cases - when the plant sold off they might restock it months later.
I'm sorry but you may have to do some hunting in few nurseries for this.
If you are really interested I can pass you a cutting.
Let me know if you are interested.
Hi, I'm Rae in Northern Calif. Thrilled to find this blog on the Grand Duke Jasmine and it's cousins. I have an emotional attachment to this plant as I wore the flowers in my hair as a teenager on the Gulf Coast of Texas. Tried for years to locate one. Then lived in the Philippines where it is the nat'l flower and fell in love again. Now growing two 8"ers in pots that I just found on Amazon!!!!! Thrilled. I watch them like sm. children and hoping for their first bloom. One arrived with the plant and fell off. Pls. repost about fertilizer. Would love to see photos of other plants if it's possible to post them here.
James, I believe the site that carries Jasmine varities where I ordered mine is Top Tropicals. It was thru Amazon.
Im glad that you have such strong connection with this Jasmine.
Fertilising this plant is important - without it, the flowers won't bloom.
You need to use only organic fertilisers - goat manure is the best, second is coffee extract.
If you do get yourself compost earth - do add them too.
Hi James,
This blog is really amazing. I can find and learn so much of plants that i can use for garden landscape projects.
Superb! This will take me awhile sticking to your blog to learn all these gardening stuff from you as i am just beginner.
I'm glad you like my blog & gardening Gordon.
Feel free to ask any questions which you would like to know.
Will try my best to help.
I live in Sarasota, Fl. I have the Jasmine Tuscany.
The plant looks great and has bloomed in the summer.
Question is when is the best time to prune in this location and will this help to get more
blooms for next season?
The best time to prune is early spring or summer.
Best is to see if the plant is leggy and had sprouted too many branches without any blooms.
Trim it in such a way that there are few branches and the remaining pruned ones can be propagated into new plants.
New shoots will appear with flower spike once it is trimmed.
James, can I get some cutting from you?
Hi James, I'm from Australia. Weather is warm now, plant is moist but leaves keep curling under...could you pls explain. Thanks
Hello James,
You got me hooked! :) I am on the hunt for this JD cultivar ( no not Jack Daniels, short for Jasminum Gand Duke of Tuscany ;-)), There is also another variant which is getting popular now the Grand Duke Tuscany Supreme (JDS).
There are other interesting variants at this website:
Do let me know if you come across any of them at our local nurseries. Thanks.
I got the same plant a month ago. Initially it was healthy and gave flowers for three weeks. All of sudden I notice drying up from the bottom and loosing all the leaves. I don't understand the problem. Can you help me with finding solution and treatment?
I got the same plant a month ago. Initially it was healthy and gave flowers for three weeks. All of sudden I notice drying up from the bottom and loosing all the leaves. I don't understand the problem. Can you help me with finding solution and treatment?
I have one in a big pot. Mulch it or get ground cover plant to protect the soil. I applied fert but doesnt seemed to work. So i trim off the top and spray leaf fert. It works! I have 6 to 8 buds. Just bloomed 4 this week. But it gets black if kena air hujan. How to protect? Its raining season again.
Hi Khyati,
do you still have the plant? I have a friend / acquaintance by your same name in Oregon. I wonder if you are the same Khyati Patel in Oregon? I live in the Portland area in Bethany and was wondering if you still have your plant? I would love to get a clipping and I have some exotic jasmines that I could share clippings with you as well. Please email me at
~ Rupal
HI, this is Allison from Oceanside CA.
I just got a grand duke of tuscany that is about 3' tall.
Its two stems that are tied to a poll, and has a flower. My question is there are no side shoots, so do I need to cut them way down to get a "bush" to grow in a pot on my patio?
Let it grow first. Its a slow grower and so you need to use fertiliser and Epsom salt to ensure speedy growth
You can't protect it. The flower don't last long in the rainy weather. Better trim the stalk n put it indoors in a vase or use as jasmine tea.
If the leaves are falling apart, chances are it's having a root rot due to over water. I hope your plant is revived after the stress
thanks. How do you apply the epsom salt?
1/2 teaspoon of Epsom salt mixed with 2 liters of water. Water in the evening.
You can spray over the whole plant and the root base.
Hi, I am from Malaysia and I am unable to find this variety. Will it be possible for you to post me some branches i can try rooting with? Thanks
Hi James, I live in Hawai'i and love Jasmine ( pikake) I purchased a Grand Duke and have it in a big pot. I have noticed the leaves getting patchy with dark and light green and also my blooms brown before fully blooming. So frustrating, do you have any advice? Much obliged!
Sorry my name is Danielle.
Sure Sang Geng Ong
Do find me in facebook: James David
We can discuss from there
Chances are the plant is placed in a wet place.
Try to place it in more drier place.
I have a Grand Duke of Tuscany... seems to be growing very well with lots of new shoots but no flowers. I live in Singapore so the climate is not a problem. Have just pruned and fertilised. Added Apple cider vinegar diluted in water as well as I read that it needs an alkaline soil. Now lots of new shoots but don’t specifically see any buds yet. Would you have any pics of what the buds look like when they first start to form?
Hello...I have this aunty bought it from the plant is growing very tall...but even after 3 months time's not at all blooming and not even a single bud until now. Pls tel me what I have to do
Hi James. I'm ravee from Malaysia (Ipoh, Perak). I'm actually finding for this plant flowers (Grand Duke of Tuscany Jasmine ) which in tamil they call adduku malli. Would you know where I can get them around Ipoh, Perak. I have tried finding in many nurseries unfortunately didnt find them yet. I hope you may have some suggestions or contacts. Thank you
Hi Ravee, yes I had spoken to you on this matter. Hope my information helped.
Why my tuscany jasmine blooms like cauliflower 😩 with no smell
Why my tuscany jasmine blooms like cauliflower 😩 with no smell?
It is known as bloom burst - the flower is not developed properly due to lack of nutrients and may also be that the plant is overgrown - prune the jasmine in a nice shape - keep the bottom part clear of new shoots - just the top with leaves and apply good fertiliser weekly.
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