There have been a lot of contention and hype between these two Alocasias:
Welcome to my Tropical Garden in Malaysia where the focus is mainly cultivating unique and colorful plants ranging from rare to common plants all around the tropical belt across the world.
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Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Difference between Alocasia Black 'Ninja' & Alocasia Reginula 'Black Vel...
There have been a lot of contention and hype between these two Alocasias:
Thursday, November 11, 2021
Klang Valley Plant Acquisition - Plant Exchange Event 4 (PEE4) at Linc KL
After like a decade or more (feels like it) when the last time I had volunteered and got involved in a Plant Exchange Event. I had met up with Darren Chow a week earlier to exchange with my Colocasia Black Ripple Plant. I met up with him in Linc KL where he works with various conservatory project concerning butterflies and few others as such as endemic tropical plants currently on Colocasia and Alocasia.
I got excited about his works and we spoke about many matters concerning plant behaviour and had invited me to come and join in the fun for PEE4 which takes place on 7th November. As the days approaches; I volunteered and the excitement started booming when more and more people got interested with the plants that was listed for gifting; generating more traffic and awareness concerning the KVPA Event.
Initially there was a confusion where few other events were happening concurrently with PEE4; especially with another gardening event (City Gardening 3.0) where vendors selling plants and related items together with added confusion where another plant group (Plant Swag) exchange taking place on Saturday within the same location which may require "registration payments" or some "monetary factors" based on their terms and conditions & regulations during the course of the exchange.
Basically I want to emphasize that there were 2 different organizations doing the plant swap/give away in the same location. One involved monetary value and the other did not.
However those who showed up on Sunday were mentioning about "registering fees" - hence putting it the word here as not to get confused with 2 different events rather read and understand the organising group information protocol properly.
Though there was a lot of repetitive information given for proper awareness concerning KVPA Event guidelines in comparison to another plant group exchange (Plant Swag) - many were still confused thinking the same rules applied for this particular KVPA Event. Hence it is important to check carefully which groups is actually hosting and organising the event to avoid future problems and confusion.
KVPA Event, however do not require any payments of any sorts, it was solely relied on the gracious giving and exchanging purely on free good will. Surplus cuttings and plants were welcome from generous givers and equally freely given to those who would like to try their hands on the available plants displayed on the booth/table.
Any important information concerning the Plant Exchange Event 4 where placed in this tagline (#PEE4) in fb for easy reference. In a way, it was a bit difficult for those who are not tech-savvy to understand as such when I discovered that many came on the event day confused and some personally called/pm/WhatsApp me as they got lost searching for the venue.
Again another important information to note for future reference concerning Plant Exchange Event 5 (PEE5) at Linc KL - Click on the highlighted blue colored #PEE5 in the facebook page under Klang Valley Plant Acquisition (fb group)
All highlighted updated information will be posted here when clicked at the hashtag: #PEE5
Its a plant exchange / swap / gifting taking place - info:
Date/Day: 7th - Sunday in Linc KL.
Parking: Very limited
Try to use LRT or carpooling
Time : 10am to 6pm
What to do:
1) Exchange Plants / Gifting / Swap
2) Plants for new Beginner - walk in if No plants available for exchange
3) Plant Types
- any plants: ornamental or edibles but in good condition.
Please don't bring any infected plants especially with spider-mites or dying ones..

- cuttings or rooted plant in a container
- seeds or tubers/bulb - labeled n properly sealed.
4) Very important rule:
Have Fun and enjoy the company n plants..

1) Recycled plastic cups or cut off PET bottles to hold your cuttings.
2) Recycled shopping bags to carry your plants.
We will NOT be providing single use plastic bags!
3) Recycled newspapers or bubble wrap to pack your plants in.
4) A smile for the Volunteers.
11) Callisia gentlei (Callisia gentlei var. elegans ) Striped Inch Plant
12) Callisia Congesta "Dragon Tail"
Thank you so much for specifically looking out for me and exchanging to me - really appreciate it very much.
This was due to the fact that many showed up too early before the event and started gifting and exchanging before the booth was set up and a lot of promised plants went missing or went to the wrong hands.
Yet the enthusiasm was overwhelming and although it costed some mistakes to happen, it was so enjoyable to see how excited all of you were as well. All going like hot cakes but glad to join in the fun of the rush hour.
Eventually more of the Volunteers walked in and the rest of the members were asked to wait outside the booth zone and slowly order was restored. However by 11am - just within an hour, all my plants were taken, gifted or exchanged - hence it was a mixed up taken place during the hustle and the bustle.
Those who came early got the best "worm" and those who came late was fairly disappointed however there were a lot more plants which was on the table but the choicest ones were taken like hot cakes earlier in the morning.
The crowd started diminishing by 11am and slowly came to a nice manageable size by noon, I managed to help out and volunteer till 2.30pm and bid goodbye to the rest of the volunteers after having my lunch break sponsored by Darren.
Also I had a lovely time with all the volunteers and the people alike. It was extremely exciting and had loads of fun. I believe most of listed members managed to get most of my plants also I apologize if you had missed out your selected cuttings. However we can meet up on another day and plan the swap/exchange. To those you haven't managed to get from me, who missed the chance in the hustle and the bustle.I hope you enjoyed meeting me n received the gifted plants.
Finally I must thank you for the gifts n plants I had also received in exchange.
Unforgettable Cherished / Funny Moments:
There were so many to list however these are the ones that touched my heart:

PEE4 Extended Version - Outside the exchange area..

The guy who made that difference:
Mohd Fadhil FE
Pic 2:
Unmasked Version
Yin Meng Teoh, Hoh Choy Har , Callie Chan n Prof. Chan Eng Heng
Bottom from left:
Yin Meng Teoh, Isabelle Lalita, Chan Eng Heng, Darren Chow
Top from Left:
Callie Chan / ? / James David /? / Jeffri Lim / ? / Wayne L Salinger

Chyn Mei brought along 10 beautiful pouch bags hand sewn by her mother to show her appreciation to the volunteers. Prof. Chan brought along turtle fridge magnets for plant donors and turtle pins for our volunteers.
Thank you Wong Ryui Bynn of Opus Farm for your generosity. We truly appreciate it.
Opus Farm Sdn Bhd
Lot 298 Jalan Kota Raja A/27A Seksyen 27,
017-298 0700
Darren Chow was the key person in getting PEE4 together and he and his staff from the Chrysalis Project received and curated plants in the days leading up to the event.
Kuan Nee has kindly donated three copies of the book, each worth RM89, for the lucky draw.
Photo credits : Elvin Loh, Yin Meng Teoh, Jimmy Tan and Chan Eng Heng.
Source from KVPA (FB group page)
YouTube Video Compilation by Jimmy Tan
About Me

- James David
- Tropical Garden, Batu Caves, Malaysia
- My Malaysian Tropical Garden mainly focused on unique and colorful plants ranging from rare to common plants all around the tropical belt across the world. Ideal for inspiration for challenging areas in the garden space - indoor gardening, balcony gardening and small green spaces especially for ariods, bromeliads, begonias, edibles, cascading & vertical garden plants, succulents & cacti, orchids, together with both shade and sun loving plants.
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