Some basics about this Event:
KVPA is a non-profit community based group where it comprises of gardeners, plant enthusiast and beginners - basically every level of gardeners where they gather to contribute / donated / exchange and volunteer in this event.
KVPA is a non-profit community based group where it comprises of gardeners, plant enthusiast and beginners - basically every level of gardeners where they gather to contribute / donated / exchange and volunteer in this event.
In this particular event,
Gardeners are very much given the freedom to exchange, give plant gifting and also sell their plants. Each Plant Exchange Event are identified numerically - this is my third one that I have personally experienced and the one that I had actively got involved in organizing the event where it is known as (#PEE6)
I must thank everyone here who have organically got involved and made this whole entire event smoothly without any hiccup.
Prof Chan Eng Heng had covered all of the essentials in acknowledgment in her post.
(will add for our reading pleasure)
Here I just want to share my thoughts and experience with everyone here.
Here I just want to share my thoughts and experience with everyone here.
1) I must say each PEE is different.
This is my third in experience and I can never feel "normal" about it as each event is exhilarating and exciting just like the first time.
2) This PEE, I decided to sell my plants as I'm unable to come to terms with other members for exchange and thus just cash as the intermediate means to "barter" and oh my...
I was still overwhelmed by the response and it was as exhilarating just like the first PEE.
3) My intention was to create the hype and buzz and also just to keep all the details in check so that everything is orderly.
The Organizers:
Chan Eng Heng & James David
I must say that I was very unsure whether I can commit in getting myself committed this time around as I have other matters to look into, however I managed to get involved in the last part of that week.
Basically - I was very involved in overseeing the "hype" for this event as it was very quiet as many were unsure whether they want to attend this particular event - held in a public carpark space.
This time around it was held here with the Venue location given together with the Waze location. Members were advised to check on the location and get familiarize with the place as it would be difficult to contact any of the admins during the event day as we all be engaged and busy.
Carpark location:
Via Pre,
25 Lorong Setiabistari 2, 50490 Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
This restaurant is very close by to this carpark space.
There are 22 parking lots, and another 22, I guess at the other end of the shops. Provided all are empty. There are more in front of the shops and by the side of the road. Parking is Free
Other details:

Near the KL Italian restaurant by the name of Via Pre.
Basically it very much like a small miniature carpark space with a small roundabout at the center located at this residential area.
The designated Car-Park space for the Event
A Note from the Organizer
The event came and went like a whirlwind, but unlike a whirlwind, it did not leave behind a trail of destruction. Instead, it brought much joy to everyone who came. It gave everyone more than they had expected. New friendships were made and old ones were rekindled. Isn't it wonderful? I think it is. Everyone who came contributed to the success of PEE6 and I want to thank all of you for making it a such a great success. A few members deserve special mention so here goes:

He has an eye for details and this has helped iron out some inconveniences which might have arisen.

YC Meng

had the opportunity to buy organic fertilizers, rice bran, etc.

Hence 100 could be closer to the actual no. who came to PEE6.
Lastly, a big THANK YOU to the Universe for giving us perfect weather throughout the event and to everyone who helped pray for good weather.
Thank you again everyone, and looking forward to continued support in all our future events.
A list of plants details were taken for this purpose:
A. No of plants/cuttings gifted away.
B. No of plants/cuttings acquired as a gift.
C. No of plants exchanged
D. No of plants sold
E. No of plants bought.
Firstly many thanks to members who responded to my call to provide basic data on plant transactions carried out in PEE6. Your cooperation is much appreciated. A total of 52 members have shared their data and I have been able to come up with the following figures:
1. A total of 1523 plants/cuttings exchanged hands.
2. 582 plants/cuttings were gifted away. However, the data collected showed only 160 were received as gifts and I cannot explain this discrepancy. Notwithstanding, our top gifters were Yin Meng Teoh and Lina Gan, each of whom gifted 75 plants/cuttings away. Much thanks to both for their generosity, time and efforts in preparing the plants. The persons who received the most no of free plants (12 each) were Rose and Khor Hui Min.
3. 253 plants/cuttings were exchanged, plant for plant, or for other gardening products as agreed upon. Admin exchanged the most number of plants (28), followed by Rose Ng Mei Kuee (25). I was really surprised I got a placement

4. 355 plants were sold, but only 173 plants were bought.
What happened to the balance? Maybe someone can help figure this out.
Our champion sellers were James David (sold 70 plants) and David Yong (sold 47 plants).
Hearty congratulations to both!
Top buyers were Fe Krishnan, Michelle and Datin Mas (15-16 plants each).
I do not have a working computer with me and the above computing was done manually as shown in the chart below. Shy to show it, but aiya, that's the way i did it, hehe.
The Organizer:
Prof Chan Eng Heng
(Names in no particular order)
These are the collection of the pictures shared and taken among the members during that day.
(Shared here for our viewing pleasure)
Rajini Katpakampikai Sabalingam
She was my art teacher during my high-school senior days. Truly remarkable to meet up with her again in this gardening event after so many years. (like when I was 18) And glad to see her generosity and the joy of gardening - freely shared to all.
I did ask her why didn't she resort to selling her plants and she replied,
"James, at my age, its just too stressful to get into selling - rather I just enjoy the moment with gardeners and gardening"
There was a commotion about name tags earlier than morning and she bravely pinned up her name for all to see. Kudos for the the most jovial fun person I have met on that day!
Izan Yunus
She is my begonia "sifu" and she took the trouble to join us first time in our event.
She carpool with me as she was unsure of the place.
And like me, mesmerized by all the plant and gardeners and she bought more plants than me,
Asking me each time with a warm smile,
Asking me each time with a warm smile,
"Can ah, James?"

She is such a warm person who is willing to help anyone without thinking twice and such a generous person.
I must say she is one of the person who is very quiet and soft-spoken however she has a very big heart where she is willing to help without counting the cost. Such is her generosity where she took the trouble to go back n gift me the mystery plant labeled "Sage"
I mentioned a little information concerning the mystery plant where I suspect that it may have been mislabeled where in Tamil, it literally means "halau hantu" denoting the very use of this herb for keeping away bad spirits.
Similar like sage, this one is known as Malabar catmint (Anisomeles malabarica)
Thank you so much for gifting this plant for me.
Thank you so much for gifting this plant for me.
Also she had generously given out a freebies - the plant trailing stand as free gift on first come, first serve basis. Each person were gifted 2 pieces of the plastic climbers for plant support for participating this event.
Faiz Suboh
One of the first participants who was generous who offered free plants while also placed reservations for plant sale in the KVPA page. Most of the plants were considered cheap knowing that these plants were considered "rare plant category"
This was his first time joining for the PEE Event. I believe he gifted
Green cincau cuttings, colocasia yellow widow, Syngonium wendlandii cuttings, Alocasia macorrhizae variegated (reverted) 1 pot and Brazil nut shell for DIY pot project
And managed to sale some of his rare plants as such as these rare Alocasias, Colocasias, Blue Java Banana, Musa and Syngonium varieties.
CL Cindy
Cindy and Hoh Choy Har car-pooled together. She even made her own personal logo.
I was glad to meet them up personally for a chat and was offered a Banana cake too.
Acknowlegment from Cindy:
Meeting and interacting with other gardeners, face to face.
Making new friends, spreading and receiving joy and knowledge about plants.
So happy that my giveaway plants were all taken.
Hope you've enjoyed my banana cake too! Till we meet again, take care ya.

A Mystery
A missing cutting fell on the ground and I can't find it. This is truly remarkable.
Khor Hui Min passed me a small Hoya cutting and as I was just approaching my car the cutting dropped at the tar road just near my car n just like that as I turned it got missing.
Hoh Choy Har and another person can't remember who was it, helping me looking for it. And in our eyes...
We can't see the 5 long leaf vine cutting!!!
Can you believe it?
I just gone missing for few minutes and then miraculously it came back again.
Its so strange...very the strange.
I must thank Khor Hui Min and Hoh Choy Har for their generous aquatic plants which they have passed me - something that it not easy to come by as these were not easily available.
I also chanced to meet up with Selvi who loved my Spiderwort blue flowers and Michelle Pease who was my plant exchange friend years ago when we exchanged garden plants before the pandemic.
I also chanced to meet up with Selvi who loved my Spiderwort blue flowers and Michelle Pease who was my plant exchange friend years ago when we exchanged garden plants before the pandemic.
Michelle Pease
Fe Krishnan have managed to join us too. She just went through some surgery but her passion for gardening just overwhelmed her and joined us a last. Also she brought a new member with her too.
My memorable moments were the fascination on my handmade semi-precious keychain which I attached with my car-key, a solution that works for me when I often forget to lock the car or misplace it. I admired Fe's moments of admiration at my stone-works as I called it "Tree of Life"
Fe Krishnan & her friend
(who first time joining us in PEE)
Yinny Loh : A case of mis-identity
I can't imagine to realize that Yinny Loh was so down to earth and a warm person.
And I really thought this person was someone totally new n I introduced myself using her selfie pic - only to find she introducing herself back to me, saying I'm at your right in this pic... 

Us again at PEE6
(26th Feb 2022)
This time, it was more relaxed n light n easy and was able to disturb Ho Yee Ning Philo D'Cruz,, Nesam Pillay, Joyce Huang, Lina Gan, David Yong with jokes and laughter's.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone here who made the event successful. My apologizes if had missed out some pictures and names in my acknowledgments.
Rajini, Moo Peng & Yin Meng Teoh (Star Plant Donor)
Lina Gan (Star Plant Donor)
Joyce Huang
Jeffri Lim & Joyce Huang
David Yong (Star Seller)
Ho Yee Ling
Someone who I admire for really helping me out in volunteering in the last PEE with me. She had brought some nice plants but I was too busy moving around and was not able to take any pictures.
Yvonne Tan & James David
(and her beautiful garden - sale page)
I must say I really admire her beautiful garden, even her selling post page were very orderly and aligned with proper listing - specifically detailed and placement were so accurate to avoid confusion and mess.
Truly an organized person.
And she had presented a lovely gift (Sygnonium Milk Confetti) to Prof. for organizing this event.
I have met up with two of the vendors as I was there early and disturb them asking where is your name tag... And they hurriedly look for their tags in their car.

Prof, PY & CK
I must say that I'm proud of us gardeners who sold premium rare plants at half price or even lower. Also glad to participate as a lot of quality plants were exchanged and displayed, each getting the best deal one can get.
I manage to purchase from CK a beautiful Philodendron Burle Marx Variegated only for RM30.00
And he had gifted me two different types of Wandering Jew Plant. Thanks CK!
Here are some of the Car Booth Sales which took place in the Event.
These are some of the candid group pictures taken by the members for our viewing pleasure.
The place was bustling with activities -almost like a morning plant market. By noon all of us slowly had packed up and left - and also checked to make sure the place is clean without and dirt of mess.
Sorry if I have missed out your names or something memorable between us.
If you do, please write down in the comment below and share your memorable experiences with me.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone here who made the event successful.
If you do, please write down in the comment below and share your memorable experiences with me.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone here who made the event successful.
Plant Exchange vs Plant Sales.
I saw a comment in one of the posting where it mentioned:
"Why is everyone selling this time? "
And I refrained from answering it rather than explaining it here:
Both have their pros and cons.
However when you can't find a mutual agreement where your ISO is not available but someone wants your plant - the best option is to sell n collectively safe the revenue and purchase your "dream plant"
I saw a long tread where someone posted a prized plant n says - "let know what you can offer me.. "
Then the poor gardeners will offer what they have in their garden and it appears like each offer was turned down as either he/she already has it or not interested.
Finally, after a series of disappointed gardeners with their rejected offers..
There were no successful exchanges taken place in the post left redundant.
Solution :
In this case, I would truly recommend selling it and buying your ISO plant.
Both sides - win-win case.
Something that we can't do in earlier PEE as it was strictly on a community service mode and it would be so messy to sell in a donated plant event. However this one is very much on a personal note - to each gardener handling their own plants - in their own means and responsibilities.
Another thing, It really cut down a lot of protocols on my part where I don't have to manage to crowd or follow up with the plant ID and such. This time around - everyone took care of their own plants and stuff.
All of them got sold (100%) - as all the reservations taken with no left overs - of which roughly 30 people bought and also with some exchanged.
Thank you so much for your support and purchases from me as it would be impossible for me to get exchange through personal plant exchange ISO as most plants are limited and difficult to find.
As this helps me to buy my ISO plant.
Plant Sales
Thank you so much for your support and purchases from me as it would be impossible for me to get exchange through personal plant exchange ISO as most plants are limited and difficult to find.
As this helps me to buy my ISO plant.
It was overwhelming for me as it was the first time that I managed to sell my plants in this PEE whereas the rest was very much geared as gifting and exchange. All these were already considered sold as I only brought plants which are already in reservation in COD payment method.
Penolong Kanan Admin.
(The Right-hand man of Admin)
James David
Just keeping it in light heartness and fun

Just keeping it in light heartness and fun

Coming Soon!
Look out for #PAE7
It is going to be Mega than #PEE6
If you have missed out #PEE6 - you have the second chance to participate for this one.
KVPA Plant Acquisition Event No 7 (PAE7)
Damansara Heights
SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 2022 AT 9 AM – 12:30 PM
Damansara Heights
SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 2022 AT 9 AM – 12:30 PM
An event for members and home gardeners to gift, exchange, sell and buy plants.
Commercial sellers will not be allowed to participate in the event.
Admin will have a booth to sell bokashi, and RM5 packs of vermi-compost, cow-dung, goat-dung and chicken manure. Members can request for these products as exchange currency.
The venue is in Kebun Mas located in Jln Setia Bakti Satu, Bukit Damansara.
Kebun Mas belongs to Datin Mas who is one of our members.
There will be ample parking space along Jln Setia Bakti Satu and in the carpark of Masjid Saidina Umar Al-Khattab which is within walking distance to Kebun Mas through a shortcut which will be clearly marked.
Vendors can park along Jln Setia Bakti Satu,
while shoppers will have to park in the carpark of the mosque.
The organizing committee comprises of these three persons,
namely Prof. Chan Eng Heng, Datin Mas and James David.
More detailed information is stated in the KVPA face-book page. You would need to subscribe as a member to this gardening group in order to access all this information. Don't miss out this amazing opportunity.
More detailed information is stated in the KVPA face-book page. You would need to subscribe as a member to this gardening group in order to access all this information. Don't miss out this amazing opportunity.
Datin Mas Adom & Prof. Chan
(Organizers of #PAE7)
Finally I would like to dedicate this Event PEE6 to Isabelle Lalitha who passed on 14th March. We have managed to briefly met her on this final event - though she was not well, her passion and desire to participate and join us for one last time.
Just after I parked my car, I noticed a red car immediately parked beside me.
It was Isabelle.
"James, I just came to actually get all these plants from you"
I noticed she was not in her usual self and was a bit cranky, I didn't want to upset her.
"One thing James, cancer is one thing - chemo is really a killer"
and she passed me a rolled up cash in my hands for the plants she purchased from me.
The 2 Ironcross oxalis and the 2 Staghorn Ferns.
Kak Izan Yunus mentioned to me that she didn't look well and left early and purchased a cutting from her too - just to make her happy. She didn't have breakfast and offered a bun and a drink but refused. I felt so dis-engaged as I know Isabelle usually leave last during any of the PEE Events. I missed her too soon as was not able to say goodbye.
She even manage to talk about the plants she bought and received in the KVPA posting reviews.
I was looking forward in meeting up with her for PAE7
I remember as she was a discipline teacher and put her in charge in PEE5 for the "free vegetables counter" as no one will able to mess around with her. She is a person who is very direct and firmly take charge when things appears to be challenging. I often admire her generosity in all our PEE4 & PEE5 where she graciously brought lots of her plant cuttings and them away.
I still have her Tetrasperma plant cutting she passed me in my first PEE4 from her to remember her by.
My deepest condolences to her family and friends.
May her soul rest in Peace
And find a eternal heavenly place with lots of happiness in fun gardening.
We will truly going to miss you.All these pictures in Loving Memory of our Departed Sister - May she Rest in Peace.
Do click on the Link Below for more detailed write-up post on all the List of Collections of
PEE1 to PAE10