Sometimes after awhile setting & had settled with all the post and garden stories, I wondered what other gardeners are doing. I had "googled" and viewed few gardeners and also commented on their garden but realised that most probably the other gardener view & update their blog once or twice a month or much lesser than that. (or probably its a dead blog)
Then I found that there are a community of gardeners who meet in cyberspace where they do chat & discuss garden matters and get comments interacting with each other.
This place is
I found instantly many gardener friends who are so enthusiastic about getting to know about me & what I garden. I get to know about gardens which I'm familiar like the tropical ones & those which are totally new for me like the temperate climatic ones.
This is where the reality of "one man's weed is another man's garden - you can literally see it here - what people garden.
But getting to start it isn't easy - not for me.
I had first had tough times getting my blog in the list as its requires that the loading the blog detail from firefox. Then the navigation was quite confusing for me and often times my PC hangs and I have to reboot again & again.
So much so, I had put Blotanical on hold as its too much for me. I reasoned that it must be for the experts and I have decided to focus just on my blog.
Then after awhile, when time permits I started to experiment and discover new things in Blotanical. I had decided just login and see & view and do what I can. Slowly but surely I got familiar with it and just know where to go & what to do.
Those those who find it hard like me, don't worry - you will get used to it - just log in and check on each new features. Sometimes I have forgotten where the feature was and it took all over again to discover again.
These are some of the tips which I have learned over time.
It may help a bit and make easier for new comers. Most of the information and setting can be found in the HELP section, I just want to emphasise few things here.
1) Select your favourite blog and fave them.Actually this is the most difficult part.
Why I say this?
Its because I have received a lot of welcome from many members but later some of them, become impersonal and not relatable. (after commenting or picking on the post)
So, if you are faving anyone, do take in mind that its just temporary.
Keep in consideration that its ok even if you choose to "unfave" certain blogs or blotanist after some trial period.
Some blotanist do return the kindness (by returning the favour by "faving" you) when you "fave" them but do not expect this to happen to all of the blotanist. Most of them will leave a thank you note.
I would seriously consider when a blotanist do not appreciate the kindness when a blog is faved. Its not the thank you that I'm seeking rather its the response that its important.
Why continue the fave when there is no response?
Better give it to someone who is more relatable and responsive. Of course given the benefit of doubt - do give more time & see if they respond to you.
Once you selected the "Fave"s the list will automatically load into the pick section on the "My Faved Blog Posts". (saves you the time to go one by one to check on the blog from your main plot)
2) What happens next? - The Pick section.Ok, once the fave is done, do go the pick section - this is where most of the activity takes place.
Click on "Picks" then look for the righthand side corner & you will find the "My Faved Blog Posts" Here you can easily read all your "faved" latest updated gardener's stories & pick the post.
Again, if you go to the section next to it: "My post" you can find who had picked on the post and that would give you the opportunity to visit the blotanist who had picked and you may message them to thank them.
When the pick count reaches 16, it would appear on the mainboard where all the blotanist can view & read the best post for the week based on the majority of picks counted by from the "faved blog".
4) What do you want from Blotanical?(some website ask this question before getting anyone in)
This is the most important question one have to ask before getting signed up and later getting bitter or disappointed. The purpose & the motive is very much important as this will determine the satisfaction in being a blotanist.
I for one want a relate-able, responsive gardener who would share their thoughts and comments with me concerning my garden and versa visa concerning their garden stories.
There are those who are totally dedicated to Blotanical in being faithfully following on the picks and reading at least about 20 blogs a day and selecting "pick" on them. Doing so will create the connection with the gardener's blog where communication is open.
I did many times go the the "200 Most Faved Blog Posts" and manage to pick & comment on them. These I would do so when I have the time. Again, after reading about 10 blogs or so from the screen - I just become tired. Some return the favour by thanking me in my comment box for visiting their blog and that's another new friend being created through gardening.
Not all people have the time, I for one visit Blotanical like 2 or 3 times in a week & may spend less than an hour updating comments, picks and thanking them. So, its a little tedious to have a high expectation when it comes to the system.
The most important thing is not getting all the points
and reach that goal of "Guru status"
rather its all the gardener friends you will able to meet,
visit all those lovely garden and say, "
Ohhh's!! & Ahhh's!"
To share the joys in the harvest,
re-living each season (though its all summer in the tropical)
and to give some & get some encouragement & support.
In being familiar with someone's garden,
knowing that gardener's favourite plant, flower & fruit.
To know that this person is having snow & that person is living in the desert
and all that is available at the finger tips when you sign in for Blotanical.
Do click here for

This is my supposed Hibiscus plant which I wanted to convert it to a bonsai. It did well for few years but I have decided not to trim or prune it. Just after few months the first flower bloomed.
I would like to dedicate this to Blotanical.
Sometimes, it takes very long to do something, but when its been keep at it, one day you will reap its reward.
Thanks you all those who are close to me in Blotanical, for all the wonderful comments and thoughts, gardening is so much easier with all of you around.
Blessed Christmas & A Wonderful New Year!