This is my second time meeting up with group.
The first time it was a simple gathering at the Roof Top Garden.
This one is meeting up with one of the members from Australia -
Ann Rozaiti and its the best so far I experienced with so much fun and laughter..
Indeed it is an experience to cherish for a lifetime.
Location: 1 Utama Shopping Centre at the Food Republic
Time: 11am.
I was warmly greeted by a hug from Jeff.
That's how the excitement was..
Slowly more members pouring in with plants cuttings, seeds and all.
It was indeed a "Pasar Pagi" when everyone was just making themselves at home.
PASAR PAGI : The Intial Sorting.
I manage to bring all my seeds for give away.
I also brought Variegated Costus and Variegated Rubber Plant.
Glad that many were taken and put to a good use.
Ohana Member of the Day: Kak Sam.
Went to wedding in Alor Setar yesterday
and rushed back to arrived at 2am this morning just to be at this meeting!
Selfy pictures from Sue Wong.
There were all 20 of us who came and joined us for this event.
Speech Time with Ann Rozaiti & me.
The food:
Cakes, cakes & more cakes..
I manage to prepare some "doddle" for some members.
I had set some nice and lovely stamps as gifts.
This gift is from Ann Rozaiti.
Seeds, Momento's and Bulbs..
Some of the members posted their gifts received from the gathering.
This is Jeff.
Together with me are the Admin Members who makes a brighter place in the OHANA,
A FB Group that is crazy about life and stuff.
Currently our main interest is gardening.
Thanks guys..
There is too many things to thanks and get appreciate with..
I really had a load of fun and laughter..
Words just seemed not enough..
to thank each and everyone of you..
I'm very sure you all know what I'm talking about..
Thanks for the cakes, cookies and the sambal ikan bilis..
Thanks for the plant cuttings, seeds and bulbs..
Thanks for the knick-knacks, fertilizers and tupperwear!! (Julia Jaraie)
Thanks for the best dress gift - Raysern
Thanks Junie for the lovely gift specially for me..
Opps.. and that delicious chocolate cake..
And Thanks Ivy Loh for the heart clip..
And.. the other.. one which I already have too..
Thanks Jeff
For such a spotting person..
The first person who greeted me with a warm hug..
And a short education on how to plant chilli as the tables grew silent..
Above all these..
Thanks for being part of us and sharing and caring..
For being part of us and enjoy the Joy, Fun and Laughter..
Hope you enjoy the company of Us and Fun..
Ann Rozaiti.
PS: I didn't have the time to snap all the pictures..
I'm pretty sure we all are a bit overloaded with giving and receiving..
Sorry - if I personally forgot to give credit too..
I know - you know we will remember all these for a very long time.
PS: Please don't use those stamps for postage..
They are not easy to get..
Till we meet again - Enjoy, Stay Safe & God bless.
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