I wanted to compile a good collection of information on Garden Themes.
In a manner of preparing and getting a garden ready.
This Garden Theme information is collectively more towards leaves and those that grow in tropical areas. It is very easy to maintain as it requires less sunlight - appropiate for shady areas & limited sunlight areas.
There is two parts in foliage theme - coloured leaves and common green leaves.
For Coloured leaves plants:
1) Coleus (Red, yellow, Maroon)
2) Caladium (spotted red, white)
3) Star Begonia (bronze)
4) Flame Violet (bronze)
5) Hibicus varigated (red, white & green)
1) Mother in law (yellow & Green)
2) Bougainvillea varigated (cream, green & yellow)
Purple / Violet
1) Purple Queen
2) Zebra - inch plant.
White (and Green)
1) Ivy (white & green)
2) Devil's Ivy (white, yellow & green)
3) Dumbcane (white & green)
In a small area, its best to select opposite colour themes
eg: (violet & yellow) , ( red & green) and (blue and orange)
Violet and Yellow makes a sensible theme compared to
a) Red and Green as green is considered a common colour and
b) Orange and blue leaves are very rare to get - if the species can be identified, it may be challenging yet rewarding if anyone had put up in that arrangement for garden theme.
(I will add more information time to time in this topic when I get more ideas)
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