I found this plant growing in an abandon housing area. I guess it survived but its not going to be very long as a new development may start the construction and will wipe out whatever green that grows in that area.
Somehow, I realised that I'm not so much of a herb planting person as many times I had given away all my herbs as they are the first to go when I have my inspiration moments in creating a garden theme. (I have given this plant to my neighbour and her's seemed to be growing quite good)
I know now why I don't like herbs:
probably because they don't look interesting.
Or because they don't do well in shady areas.
Maybe the best reason because they die too often too quickly before I can enjoy them (sob..sob..)
Well, now gingerly these herbs are slowly making their comeback in my garden. Hopefully they last enough until I utilise them for their rich benefit.
Right now, I'm enjoying all the fragrance of these herbs..
They seemed to be very therapeutic for me especially very good for stress relieve.
1) It does well as a hanging plant. Need to watch out for lack of water as they wither fast without it. (burned corners - lack of water)
2) Also when placed on ground, snails seemed to love them more compared to other houseplants.
3) For Headache:
Wet the leaf and tear it small pieces and place it upon the forehead.
4) Remove excess heat from body (especially for children) :
Wet the leaf and tear it small pieces and place it on the stomach area.
5) I also realised that there are many types of Betel leaf. Im guessing this one is known as Indian Betel leaf (someone in my office had identified it for me) If there is any detailed information concerning it - would be much appreciated.
Im sure there are a lot benefits concerning betel leaf. Would appreciate if anyone share their personal experience concerning this herb. Thanks in advance.
I have read otherwise. Betel leaf can be cancerous and addictive. My grandmother used to chew on these leaves often. My mom have this plant. It's a climber and grows best in full light.
It looks more like what they call bangla paan. It makes sense as most paans imported are bangla and kashia. The leaf itself doesnt cause cancer but if added with lime and tobbacco, then yes,it can cause oral cancer. Im trying to grow one these my self. Wish me luck
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