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Saturday, July 11, 2020

Tips to Grow & Save Sensitive Begonias from Dying (10 months Update - Video)

This is my Update from my first experiment using mop-wick system which I started from Sept 2019.

Over the months some had thrived and done so well, some lasted for few months and died or gone dormant. Due to the past rodent infestation that faced had badly damaged most of my begonias. It had caused great damage to other plants as well and some of it had died out of stress. Once I had handled the pest control. The begonias begun to pick up.
The ones that really did well, amazingly thrived and grew large in super size. Here in this set-up are : Begonia Chivalry, Begonia Black Knight, Begonia Silver Limbo, Begonia Jolly Silver & Begonia 'Lalomie', Begonia 'Silver King', Begonia - U578, Begonia - U514, Begonia - Luzonensis, Begonia Aquamarine, Bethlehem Star, Black Velvet Begonia.

The ones propagated on small containers: Begonia - De Elegan, Begonia - U497, Dragon-wing Begonia, Begonia Art Hodes,

In this collection - Lettuce Leaf Begonia (Begonia 'Erythrophylla Bunchii'), Begonia - Acetosa growing on sphagnum Moss medium.

I had found that the Mop-wick system is very successful are sun exposed areas whereas the shaded areas did very poorly. These begonias slowly succumb to dormancy and some rotten away. I would suggest to place them where they get minimum sunlight at least for few hours either morning or evening sun.

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Tropical Garden, Batu Caves, Malaysia
My Malaysian Tropical Garden mainly focused on unique and colorful plants ranging from rare to common plants all around the tropical belt across the world. Ideal for inspiration for challenging areas in the garden space - indoor gardening, balcony gardening and small green spaces especially for ariods, bromeliads, begonias, edibles, cascading & vertical garden plants, succulents & cacti, orchids, together with both shade and sun loving plants.

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