Something common that I see almost everyday. And because they are too common too often I tend to ignore them, not realising that the create a blind spot for me. I guess I really have to see and notice it, because this is the effect of what you call glut. When you get these too often everywhere - they really don't seemed to matter. (regardless how pretty or beautiful they look)
And the sad part about it the abuse they go thru. The first is the grime mixed with dust. An oily substance just seemed to taint the whole plant (What do you expect when these are planted just by the roadside). Next, the abuse of heat and rain - When its hot - its very hot and when it rains, it pours. On top of it, you will find all kind of garbage collected in between them.
Regardless to all these abuse, they still continue to flower and shine, no matter what situation they go through - the beauty of plants. If only we can learn from them - the world be a better place to live with.
For now, I leave you with the beauty of these spider lilies in the midst of alocasia & dumbcane,
together with ixora and the Ti plant. Something white & something red to brighten your day.
Have a nice week.
Since I began garden blogging, I've been noticing things that have 'always been there' but I just took forgranted! I guess the old saying 'take time to smell the roses' really does apply to us all! We overlook things that are right in front of us! That little flower sure is a fighter, putting up w/all that abuse.
Those are all beautiful plants that I have purposely placed in my garden. I collect ti plant cultivars, actually. And I truly love our native, wild-growing spider lilies. The beauty of them is in their toughness, I think, and I note that you have pointed out their survival in such horrid living conditions. It is hard to find native plants of beauty any more in my area, probably because of over-mowing and illegal collecting. I see them occasionally when I wander the woods, but I will not take them, since it is illegal. So when I find such beauties for sale, or get one passed along to me, it is a great pleasure. : )
In spite of all the dust and grime, they still look 'cool' and refreshing with their waxy, smooth foliage and crystal white flowers. Do you remember there are spiders under the folds of their leaves, and the spider fighting games boys like to play? BTW, what is the name of the plant with red leaves?
oh, I love that you've shown us these taken-for-granted plants by the roadside. They're totally gorgeous and we never get to see these beauties here!
Hi James,
I think you pointed out something important....just because we may have a blind spot for a plant that is very common where we may live, doesn't mean that they aren't beautiful. I appreciate you sharing this beautiful plant...we do not see them here in the desert :-)
Spider lily flowers are quite strong although they look really dainty and 'fragile'. I love to see the flowers on the road. You are right, rain or shine, the flowers look pretty all the time. Btw, those Ti plants look really good. Nice ixora flower also. Have a pleasant evening James.
I used to be like that with the wildflowers that I now write about. I walked the same path every week for nearly 8 years and never even noticed most of the wildflowers growing there. You're choice of flowers has brightened my evening James - such vibrancy in those ixora blooms alone - and such beauty in those spider lilies.
Hi James! Did you know that Spider Lilies will exude a marvelous fragrance when the blooms open up in the evenings? I simply love the scent that permeates into our kitchen from outside the backyard where they're located.
Is the second image a pic of the Spider Lily too with its bead-like seeds? If they are, you've shown me a way to allow our blooms to set seeds in future. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and lovely pictures to ponder and enjoy!
That ti plant is absolutely stunning.
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