Finally I had manage to sum up some courage and decided to go with it. I guess it is now or never factor. Given the moment of time, I really don't think I would have the luxury of spare time to tend my garden. Not long hours like this.
So, first I have decided to do one thing at a time... and fast. I had removed all the plants and place them on the other side. If you have noticed, all my plants are in pots.
After clearing, I had got about 50 snails & slugs hiding under the bricks, behind the rim of the pots and every nook & corner. If I pity them, I would have to pay the price of sacrificing my plants.. so I guess you know what needed to be sacrificed.
There were many earthworms & spiders though, all of them crawling under the thin layer of soil, I had put them into the pots and hope they are happy there.
I want to show this part of my garden. The very basic bare space, its about 3m length and about a 1.5 meters in width. And that's the paradise I got - in making this simple garden.
After removing everything, the Flaming Violets are the only one that had found its residence between the pebbles. As you can see, how healthy looking it is, much better compared my potted ones - if fact, the potted one got matured and slowing dying.
Well, finally after carefully removing the plant, it was all scrubbing & washing and again & again.
I started about 3pm and finished about 8pm. A good 5 hours of work. The weather was good - the sun was shining all day and that helped to cheer me up.
More pictures coming up (Part 3 & Part 4)
Good luck James with your "remodeling"!
Looks like you have done a lot and lots more to go. But I am sure it is going to be a nicer garden after 'de-forestation'. I am looking forward to see the end result :-)
Btw, now I know that Flaming Violet is quite a survival - living between pebbles... that's a tight space for the roots isn't it? Do you plan to relocate the plant into a pot later?
A courageous move James, I'm sure you'll be pleased with the results. Did you see my comment on the Blackberry Lily in your July post?
Wow, that was quite a clean up! It's always a good thing though.
Tatyana - Thanks, What I needed more was time and a little more stamina.. got very tired half way.
Rosey - it felt great for a short while..
The clearing was a terrible sore-eye
Stephanie - Oh..yes, all lot more to go. I manage to replant 2 pots of it, put back few in the reset pebbles and gave the other half to my friends in my workplace.
Barry - Thanks. Yes you are right!
It is a courageous move for me actually, sorting these things would need a strong heart, a strong will and a good stamina.
Will check on the BlackBerry shortly.
Wendy - You can say that again & again...(lol)
James, it is good to 'declutter' your garden before the remodeling. I bet you sweat a lot too.
Belle - The declutter was messy & inbetween of pruning & all - its was very overwhelming.
And yes, its worth everydrop of sweat - a good workout too.
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