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Friday, October 15, 2010

Plants that Died

I know for a fact that my Zinnia may not last very long but didn't expect them to give a beautiful flower before they bid farewell - actually only one plant manage to give me this glorious flower. And before I knew it - it had all dried up and gone.
That is the problem with annuals - they bloom all too quickly and gone before I can really enjoy them. Well, that's what they say - was here and gone with the wind...
Somehow, it reflects about life..

No matter how great a person may proclaim to be, they all are human and may one day have to leave this world and give an account of their lives to God.
So, its very important to live a life that is worthy in God's eyes that when He sees us - it will reflect a life that gives pleasure to Him.

My Donkey Tail plant had slowly and eventually faded away, I guess its the neglect rather than anything that caused this demise. Regardless, its a tough plant to handle keeping it in a tropical environment.

These are mint.
They too didn't last long, I didn't water them in a day and they all got fried-up with the scorching sun. Though I tried to revive them again by intensive care - they never recovered. And so - it was a bye-bye too for this one.
I missed the aroma of the mint leaves, they just rejuvenate the soul.
Did any of your garden plants had bid farewell in your garden recently?
Did you miss them?

Monday, October 4, 2010

More Jasmines (Coral Swirl / Water Jasmine / Orange Jasmine)


These are few of the white blooming flowering plants one of which have close resembles with Jasmine.
(Coral Swirl / Water Jasmine / Orange Jasmine) 

Here are some of the updates:

Coral Swirl  (Wrightia Antidysenterica) 

Its true name is Coral Swirl, Tellicherry bark, Milky Way, Artic Snow, Winter Cherry Tree, Sweet Indrajao, Pudpitchaya, Hyamaraca (Wrightia Antidysenterica) 

Another Wrightia species, known as Wrightia religiosa commonly known as Water Jasmine has a strong scent in comparison with this one which does not have any scent.


WATER JASMINE (Wrightia Religiosa)

Recently, I had pruned all the branches and new shots with lots of tiny flower blooms had sprouted out and this is the results of the flower blooms. These have been furiously blooming ever since.

Do check on more details on Care and Cultivation on this Particular Flowering Plant:

ORANGE JASMINE (Murraya Paniculata)

Commonly known as Orange Jasmine, China Box or Mock Orange; Murraya paniculata appears to have strong citrus features however unlike most citrus foliage where they hold some citrus fragrance - this one does not have any fragrance on the fruit or rind or on it's leaves. 

This is how the Orange Jasmine Fruit appears to be however it is not edible.

For more information concerning Orange Jasmine, click on the link below:
Orange Jasmine (Murraya Paniculata)

Do click on the link below for more information on Other Types of  Tropical Fragrant Flowers:

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Tropical Garden, Batu Caves, Malaysia
My Malaysian Tropical Garden mainly focused on unique and colorful plants ranging from rare to common plants all around the tropical belt across the world. Ideal for inspiration for challenging areas in the garden space - indoor gardening, balcony gardening and small green spaces especially for ariods, bromeliads, begonias, edibles, cascading & vertical garden plants, succulents & cacti, orchids, together with both shade and sun loving plants.

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