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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Pineapple Dyckia - Dyckia brevifolia

This is an update of my dyckia planted on December. They seemed to remain static for awhile and continued to remain in that manner eversince. I decided to plant more bromeliads to add some colour to them. The dyckias seems to sprout out more leaves and giving that star-like figure, still no new pups emerges anywhere.

Would you believe it that those rosettes are actually from a pineapple fruit. I actually got them from a supermarket on the friut section. It was during the Chinese New Year season, I guess this one was used for prayers rather than consumption. (I guess they are ornamental pineapples?)

There were 4 pups attached to the friut. Its a pity the crown of the pineapple didn't make it but I guess I can comfort myself to see that these 4 survived. I bought the fruit for about RM4.00 which is quite a deal if you consider buying them from a nursery (a small pot of a bromeliad pup might easily cost about RM9-RM12)

I later realised that the colour had somehow changed where the lighter border seemed to be more distinct and brighter and the dark green centre being more vibrant - it really don't look anything like a pineapple now. (or is it?)

These are quite hardy and really require no care at all. So, in a sense - you can count on them for a hardy garden theme factor. The only thing is the appearance factor. Hope no one will think that these are plastic spiky stuff. (somehow, they really do feel like one)

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Tropical Garden, Batu Caves, Malaysia
My Malaysian Tropical Garden mainly focused on unique and colorful plants ranging from rare to common plants all around the tropical belt across the world. Ideal for inspiration for challenging areas in the garden space - indoor gardening, balcony gardening and small green spaces especially for ariods, bromeliads, begonias, edibles, cascading & vertical garden plants, succulents & cacti, orchids, together with both shade and sun loving plants.

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