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My Vertical Garden Wall


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Water Pond - Set Up 4

This is the current state of the water pond now.
Remember when I mentioned about the "was" factor?
This is how its currently appear to be.

Now that I see
I still like the cascading effect from the Vertical plants
complements together with the metallic sheen Alocasia.
The Dumbcane and the Red Ti plant just give that loud strong effect.

Of course - This would not be a fitting for the neat & tidy kind of garden.
Mine is very much of a controlled chaos kind of theme.
Do let me know what you think?
Good, Bad or Ugly.
I'm pretty sure - everyone got their own taste in their garden.

I'm very much into the Strong Zone type.

Water Pond - Set Up 3

A friend had passed to me this plant: Water Lettuce
I suddenly have this love hate relationship with this one.
Don't get me wrong - I love this plant.
I love that rosy looking floral shape that gives that rich deep green colour.
What I hate is that they totally conquer the whole water space.
And when they don't get enough sun - the whole thing become like a pancake
and the leaves starts to dis-integrate with yellow/white that pollutes the pond.

No wonder its considered one of the most hated invasive plants.
They can really do much damage if they are not taken cared properly.
Especially the population part.

Water Pond - Set Up 2

This would be a chronological order of this aquatic pond.
It did appear to look neat and tidy - Was is the Word.
And slowly and surely - the whole thing is a jungle now.
But still I'm loving it.

Where would there be a garden of which it would be in full control of a gardener.
That would definitely be a plastic one - devoid from growth.
I can say - that life is quite explosive here and everything is competing for the water resource.
The ones that got it the best - outgrows.

Of course - sunlight is another rare commodity.
Especially when its very much in this shaded area.
You will know what I mean later.
But for now - I would prefer to enjoy these serene looking pond.
As I said - It was. (past tense)

Yellow Walking Iris - Trimezia martinicensis

I'm surprised that they really do not have a common name.
I often seen them growing wildly by the roadside.
These cone-shaped flower buds - the yellow catches my attention regardless the distance.
Strange as they appear - they disappear within the season.

I also found that they are grown as ornament plant
More for their grass-like figure than the floral.
It must be the modern version of wheat-stack thing.

There are more information to be discovered about this plant.
Often mistaken as a water orchid. (some of my friends still insist they are)
Surprisingly it falls under a lily/Iris family.
And this one is truly an aquatic or water hardy one.

Regardless the character - It does bloom in shade.
Much better than Lotus and Water Lily.

Water Feature - Drainage Factor

This is the initial works.
Eventually the whole thing had managed to reset by itself.
The most important factor are the fish - specifically Red Sword-tail fish.
They make sure there are no mosquito breeding in this little catchment.

Another factor are the sunlight - they are so limited.
The Vertical plants virtually had blocked most of it.
Most of the plant species didn't make it especially the big ones.
What appeared to survive helps to make sure
that the water don't get flushed out during the rainy times.

I may have to reset the whole thing.
Still looking out for ideas.

About Me

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Tropical Garden, Batu Caves, Malaysia
My Malaysian Tropical Garden mainly focused on unique and colorful plants ranging from rare to common plants all around the tropical belt across the world. Ideal for inspiration for challenging areas in the garden space - indoor gardening, balcony gardening and small green spaces especially for ariods, bromeliads, begonias, edibles, cascading & vertical garden plants, succulents & cacti, orchids, together with both shade and sun loving plants.

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