Welcome to my Tropical Garden in Malaysia where the focus is mainly cultivating unique and colorful plants ranging from rare to common plants all around the tropical belt across the world.
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This is my quick update of my garden set-up where I want to make an update for January 2021. Most of my plants had set and settled in their optimum growth positions. What I want to show you is the general idea of keeping a compact tight knit garden where space is a challenge.
Here is my water feature where I truly enjoy the sound of trickling water constantly giving that soothing waterfall sound. Some of the featured plants are from the Vertical Garden plants - Bromeliads, Agloamena and Dieffenbachia species.
A quick update on Begonia being stable in the mopwick system and the Cane Begonia Collection & Elephant Ears: Swamp Taro - Colocasia esculenta L., Giant Taro - Colocasia gigantea 'Thailand Giant', Blue Taro - Xanthosoma violaceum, Schismatoglottis wallichii, Leucosia,
Cascading Plant collection: I had planted Epiphyllum sp. (Queen on the night) leaf cuttings and they are stabilizing with new growth. These are features where the plants behave as cascading plants that hang like a curtain which gives a good screen for privacy and good vertical shade.
I had placed hangers on my gate where I placed colored foliage plants especially Martin Mystery Begonia. Here is more of the ornamental sweet potato vine, piper, rosary vine & rex begonia vine.
Also some potted plants that I had placed outside my porch: Caladium, Colocasia & Coleus species.