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Monday, February 15, 2021

How to Care & Cultivate Anthurium Plants (video)

This is my basic Collection of my Anthurium Plants which I had collected over the years. Here I have the flowering variety and the foliage variety:

Flowering Variety:
1) Miniature Version
2) Large Version
3) Medium Version - Dark Foilage Type

Foliage Variety:
4) Anthurium Crystallium.
Here I talk about How I Care & Cultivate Them:
Basically they need bright shaded area with good humidity. 
They can be much easier plant to care for comparison to begonias and Jewel Alocasia.

Malaysian Tropical Garden Tour - Jan 2021 (video)

This is my quick update of my garden set-up where I want to make an update for January 2021. Most of my plants had set and settled in their optimum growth positions. What I want to show you is the general idea of keeping a compact tight knit garden where space is a challenge.

Here is my water feature where I truly enjoy the sound of trickling water constantly giving that soothing waterfall sound. Some of the featured plants are from the Vertical Garden plants
 - Bromeliads, Agloamena and Dieffenbachia species.

A quick update on Begonia being stable in the mopwick system and the Cane Begonia Collection & Elephant Ears:
Swamp Taro - Colocasia esculenta L., Giant Taro - Colocasia gigantea 'Thailand Giant', Blue Taro - Xanthosoma violaceum, Schismatoglottis wallichii, Leucosia,

Cascading Plant collection:
I had planted Epiphyllum sp. (Queen on the night) leaf cuttings and they are stabilizing with new growth. These are features where the plants behave as cascading plants that hang like a curtain which gives a good screen for privacy and good vertical shade.

Ferns: Bird Nest Fern Variegated, Fluffy Ruffle Ferns, Staghorn Fern, Fish-tail Fern, Boston Fern, Rabbit-foot Fern, Tassel Fern, Maiden Hair Fern, Huperzia nummularifolia, , Huperzia phlegmaria & Selaginella sp.Addition:

I had placed hangers on my gate where I placed colored foliage plants especially Martin Mystery Begonia. Here is more of the ornamental sweet potato vine, piper, rosary vine & rex begonia vine.

Also some potted plants that I had placed outside my porch: Caladium, Colocasia & Coleus species.